Child Development Associate (CDA) Program (Garnet-Patterson STAY)
ECE 1 This course is the first course in the Early Childhood Education career pathway. The course examines the growth and development of children and the influence of development on effective childcare and early education. Content emphasizes social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development and the application of theories of child development to early care and education. Course work is aligned with the Council for Professional Recognition’s national Child Development Associates competencies. ECE 2 This course is the second course in the Early Childhood Education career pathway. This course is designed for students who may be interested in working with young children as caregivers or teachers in child development centers, daycare homes, kindergartens, Head Start, pre-schools, or school-age care programs. Coursework is aligned with the Council for Professional Recognition’s national Child Development Associate (CDA) Competencies. Certification: Child Development Association Certification
Position/Opportunity: Child Development Associate Program (CDA)
Salary: none
Must enroll at DCPS
Must be a DC resident and able to provide proof
Application Requirements:
Complete DCPS Enrollment